Individual therapeutic exercises using the DNS technique

The dynamic neuromuscular stabilisation technique aims to replicate the natural movement patterns developed in early childhood to improve the body's stability and functionality.

Exercise contributes to improving body awareness and motor control.

What is DNS?

DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization) is a therapeutic method that aims to improve the functionality and stability of the body through proper activation and coordination of movement patterns. The purpose of the exercise is to achieve correct posture, breathing patterns and functional alignment of the joints. Based on the assessment, the physiotherapist creates an individual program that is focused on the desired goals.

Who do we recommend individual therapeutic exercises using the DNS technique for?

  • For back and joint pain (hips, knees or pelvis)

  • After injuries or surgeries.

  • For acute/chronic musculoskeletal or myofascial pain.

  • For people who want to improve their posture and body stabilization.

  • For people who are involved in professional or recreational sports.