Information based on laboratory analysis is the first step towards the treatment and maintenance of various diseases.
We carry out biochemical, haematological and immunological blood, urine and stool tests, and breathing tests for Helicobacter pylori using modern analysers made by well-renowned manufacturers.
The quality of our services is ensured by an established system of internal control of processes and procedures and by participation in external quality assessments at national and international level (RfB, INSTAND, RIQAS, TIQcon QCS, SNEQAS).
We use only scientifically tested methods recognised by Slovenian and international associations for sample analysis.
We operate in accordance with the regulation on the conditions to be met by laboratories for the performance of tests in the field of laboratory medicine (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos 64/2004 and 1/2016). On the basis of these regulations, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia has granted us a licence to carry out tests in the field of medical biochemistry.