Specialist doctors

A team of leading renowned experts from different areas of medicine undergo constant training and develop new treatment programmes.

Meet our team of specialists

Suzana Lazarova, MD Suzana Lazarova, MD

Suzana Lazarova, MD

Specialist in internal medicine | balneologist

She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje in 1986 and continued her studies in abdominal ultrasound, diabetes, asthma and haemodialysis and in 1995 completed her specialization in internal medicine. She has been the head of the department for the treatment and rehabilitation of the digestive tract and digestion-related diseases at the Rogaška Medical Centre since 2004. She actively participates at international congresses, where she lectures on the Rogaška Medical Centre, Donat Mg mineral water, and the health spa treatment in Rogaška Slatina.

Petra Mrkša, MD Petra Mrkša, MD

Petra Mrkša, MD

Specialist in radiology

She enrolled in biomedicine postgraduate studies and completed her specialization in radiology with honours. She attended various congresses and deals with interventional radiology and MRI in the field of the muscular-skeletal pathology. Abroad, she undertook various trainings at various schools in the field of muscular and skeletal system, interventional radiology and ultrasound.

Ivan Brzović, MD Ivan Brzović, MD

Ivan Brzović, MD

Specialist in radiology

He completed his radiology specialization with honours in Zagreb in 2007. At the University Hospital Centre in Zagreb, he was active in the field of whole-body MSCT. Since 2014, he has been upgrading his education in the field of MSCT diagnostics of interstitial lung disease and cardiothoracic diseases. He provides a wealth of experience in various fields of ultrasound and x-ray examinations.

Katarina Pezdevšek, MD Katarina Pezdevšek, MD

Katarina Pezdevšek, MD

Specialist in radiology

She completed her radiology specialization during which she was three months rotating within the Department of Radiology of the Children’s Hospital of Graz School of Medicine. She has dedicated a lot of her efforts to ultrasound diagnostics in general, abdomen and chest examinations, as well as children’s radiology. She is also part of the team at the Celje General Hospital. 

Katja Šibli, MD Katja Šibli, MD

Katja Šibli, MD

Specialist in internal medicine

Specialist in internal medicine and subspecialist in angiology. She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana in 2002 and passed the specialist exam in internal medicine with distinction in 2011. During her specialisation, she completed elective postgraduate training in angiology at the University of Milan and the practical part of her training at the AKH Vienna, Europe's largest general hospital. She passed the final examination in angiology in 2012 at the University of Milan and obtained the Europea Master of Angiology/Vascular Medicine title. In the same year, she passed the subspecialty examination in angiology of the European Union of Medical Specialists (CESMA-UEMS) and became a specialist in angiology and vascular medicine.  

She worked at Celje General Hospital from 2002 to 2023, where she was involved in the establishment of the Centre for Vascular Diseases, and for 2 years she was also the professional head of the internal medicine section of the Celje Urgent Care Centre. 

She regularly acquires her knowledge at national and international congresses in angiology, has completed a course in ultrasound diagnostics of vascular diseases at KBC Rebro in Zagreb, and regularly participates in international workshops in ultrasound diagnostics. 

Irena Bajc, MD Irena Bajc, MD

Irena Bajc, MD

Specialist in family medicine | balneologist

She completed a Master’s degree in biomedicine. At the Rogaška Medical Centre, she works in the field of balneology and acupuncture, and has been continuing her studies in the field of pain-relief therapy. She has cooperated as a professional head in the project to obtain the Accreditation Canada certificate, which we obtained in 2014 for the quality and safety of our services according to international standards.

Urban Čuješ, MD Urban Čuješ, MD

Urban Čuješ, MD

Specialist in family medicine
Nataša Nikolič, MD Nataša Nikolič, MD

Nataša Nikolič, MD

Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine
Peter Kurila, MD Peter Kurila, MD

Peter Kurila, MD

Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine

Is a specialist in diagnostics and therapy of the consequences resulting from injury and degenerative diseases of the locomotor system. He is the only doctor in Slovenia who graduated from the method of dynamic neuromuscular stabilization. Various techniques of manual medicine and medicinal preparations for an increased regeneration of the damaged locomotor system structures (collagen, hyaluronic acid, corticosteroid blockades, etc.) are applied.

Suzana Kunstek, MD Suzana Kunstek, MD

Suzana Kunstek, MD

Specialist in dermatovenereology
Janja Šmid Vauhnik, MD Janja Šmid Vauhnik, MD

Janja Šmid Vauhnik, MD

Specialist in dermatovenereology

She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. Later she was employed at the Maribor Clinical Centre and the Ljubljana Clinical Centre. She has completed her specialist examination with honours and started working at the Dermatovenereology Department at the Celje General Hospital as the Head of Pediatric Dermatology and later became Deputy Head of the Dermatovenereology Department. She has participated in aesthetic and corrective dermatology trainings abroad. Through the years she has actively engaged in numerous foreign professional trainings. She is a member of the Slovenian Association for Dermatovenereology.

Alen Jović, MD Alen Jović, MD

Alen Jović, MD

Specialist in dermatovenerology

Svojo pot je pričel v Splošni bolnišnici Celje, kjer je opravljal delo in pridobival izkušnje na različnih oddelkih. Po opravljenem specialističnem izpitu s pohvalo je svoje delo nadaljeval na Oddelku za kožne in spolne bolezni Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Maribor, kjer je pridobil dragocene izkušnje in znanje s področja diagnostike in zdravljenja kožnih bolezni. Redno se udeležuje strokovnih srečanj doma in v tujini ter se aktivno izobražuje in nadgrajuje svoja znanja s področja estetske dermatologije. Je član Združenja slovenskih dermatovenerologov, član Evropske dermatovenerološke akademije in član Mednarodnega združenja za dermatoskopijo.

Pri svojem delu uporablja najnovejša dognanja s svojega področja; deležni boste strokovne obravnave in poglobljenega individualnega svetovanja.

Martina Lipič, MD Martina Lipič, MD

Martina Lipič, MD

Specialist in dermatovenerology
Prim. dr. sc. Tanja Škorić Polovina, MD Prim. dr. sc. Tanja Škorić Polovina, MD

Prim. dr. sc. Tanja Škorić Polovina, MD

specialist in internal medicine, a subspecialist in endocrinology and diabetes, and a doctor of science

Prim. dr. sc. Tanja Škorić Polovina, MD, is a specialist in internal medicine, a subspecialist in endocrinology and diabetes, and a doctor of science. She has been working at the Institute of Endocrinology at the Clinical Hospital Centre in Zagreb since 2001. In her everyday work, she diagnoses and treats patients with thyroid diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis. She also deals with diseases of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands. She performs thyroid and neck ultrasound with cytological puncture, and in the last few years she has been running a thyroid ultrasound course at the Clinical Hospital Centre in Zagreb. She is an author of numerous scientific articles, published in indexed journals. She is also a member of the European Society of Endocrinology and the Croatian Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology.

Petra Šket, MD Petra Šket, MD

Petra Šket, MD

Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics