Aesthetic plastic surgery

Our aesthetic surgeons eliminate minor and major irregularities and provide you with an attractive fresh and youthful appearance.

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Specialist examination by an aesthetic plastic surgeon

Discuss unwanted imperfections and trust the advice of experienced aesthetic surgeons.

Removal of skin lesions

If there are suspicious or unwanted changes, aesthetic surgeons will examine the lesion, remove it and advise on further procedures.

Facial aesthetic procedures

Are you bothered by droopy eyelids, protruding ears, wrinkles, the shape of your nose and other facial imperfections? Visit us.

Surgical body sculpting

Breast corrections, fat removal, labiaplasty and other surgical procedures are available.

Minimally invasive procedures

Besides surgical procedures, aesthetic plastic surgeons also perform minimally invasive aesthetic procedures such as fillers, botox, biostimulators, etc.

We look after your mental well-being and confidence

Already the Ancient Greeks realized that no man on earth possesses perfect beauty. However, longing for this ideal of beauty still remained long after this bitter recognition. Beauty is the state of the body and soul. The beauty of the soul is in your hands, whereas the beauty of the body can be improved by our aesthetic plastic surgeons who give you back your fresh and youthful appearance. We also need beauty to surround us. We experience it in the originality and beauty of nature, in the consistent and unique forms of dwellings, in the exceptional objects we use, even in the perfection of ideas for which we live.  

Only in the search, admiration and adoration of the beauty of others do we experience the passion of yearning, the ravishment of love, happiness at the side of a beloved partner and the miracle of the beauty of new life, which is reflected in the eyes of our offspring. The area of human spirituality, through which we perceive beauty, is vast and not only devoted to mere physical forms. However, the beginning is in the beauty of the body and one of the ways, sometimes even the only one, which leads to the ideal, is with the assistance of aesthetic surgery. 

To please and attract with a fresh, youthful appearance is a desire as old as humanity. Now, aesthetic surgery at our centre can help you get closer to achieving it. 

Specialist doctors

A team of leading renowned experts from different areas of medicine undergo constant training and develop new treatment programmes.

Meet our team of specialists
Tea Jedlovčnik, MD

Tea Jedlovčnik, MD

spec. plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery


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