Dental outpatient clinic

We provide a wide range of dental services and oral surgery with high standards and modern technology.

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Outpatient clinic services

You can book an examination and other dental services at dental outpatient clinic of Medical Center Rogaška. Oral surgery is also available.

About outpatient clinic services

Our dental outpatient clinic of Medical Center Rogaška provides dental diagnostics, prevention and prophylaxis. We also provide periodontology, aesthetic dentistry, root canal treatment, dental prosthetics. We provide surgical services and services in implantology. 

 The team of our outpatient clinic for dental and oral surgery consists of Sanja Ratković, dr. dent. med., and assist. Žiga Kovačič, dr. dent. med. Professional and experienced dentists will provide you with top-quality dental treatment. 

Specialist doctors

A team of leading renowned experts from different areas of medicine undergo constant training and develop new treatment programmes.

Meet our team of specialists
Sanja Ratković, MD

Sanja Ratković, MD

dr. dent. med.

Asis. Žiga Kovačič, MD Dental medicine

Asis. Žiga Kovačič, MD Dental medicine

specialist in maxillofacial surgery


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