Medical cannabis clinic

Both medicine and pharmacy have already recognised the potential of cannabinoids in maintaining health and treating various medical conditions.

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Medical Center Rogaška, where we continue the 400-year tradition of health spa treatment in Rogaška Slatina with Donat healing mineral water, combines the knowledge of top balneologists and the healing power of balneotherapy on the one hand, and the healing effects of cannabinoids and the knowledge of experts in this field on the other. 

This knowledge, experience, the effect of the balneotherapy procedures and the effect of the cannabinoids used have resulted in programmes for the following areas: insomnia, anxiety/depression, burnout, migraine and immune system strengthening. 

Is your endocannabinoid system exhausted?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a signalling mechanism in all vertebrates, including humans and pets, that protects the body. Under stressful circumstances, the body produces endocannabinoids to regulate functions. The ECS includes receptors, endocannabinoids and enzymes, which together act as a natural defence system. Phytocannabinoids from plants have a similar structure to endocannabinoids, allowing them to bind to the same receptors and trigger similar effects. The constant stress of modern society often activates the ECS, which can lead to its exhaustion and contribute to chronic diseases. 

Cannabinoids and their importance for the body

Cannabinoids are a heterogeneous group of compounds that share the common characteristic of binding to cannabinoid receptors. These molecules are terpenophenolics and are lipid or fat-soluble. They are basically divided into three groups according to their origin:  

  • Endocannabinoids: Produced under certain circumstances in vertebrate bodies, including the human body 

  • Phytocannabinoids: Found in plants (cannabis, purple coneflower, rue, some species of the Apiaceae and Brassica) 

  • Synthetic cannabinoids: Produced in laboratories by chemical reactions 

Cannabinoids and their quality in Medical Center Rogaška.

Cannabinoids are recognised by medicine and pharmacy as effective in treating various diseases and maintaining health. The endocannabinoid system regulates many body processes, from the immune system to pain and inflammation. Research has confirmed the safety and efficacy of cannabinoid products, which also have a positive effect on mitochondrial function, providing the body with energy for regeneration. 

We at Medical Center Rogaška have developed programmes with experts who support the ECS and contribute to optimal health through high-quality, full-spectrum cannabis products. Cannabis contains almost 2000 substances, including cannabinoids, terpenoids, phenols and flavonoids. Their combination works synergistically and enhances the therapeutic effect without major side effects. 

Health programmes

Programme “Insomnia”
Programme “Insomnia”

The link between sleep and cannabis has been well explored, and we know that the endocannabinoid system also regulates sleep.

Programme "Anxiety/depression"

It is well known that poor functioning of the endocannabinoid system is one of the key factors in many neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases, including depression and anxiety.

Programme "Burnout"

Most experts today agree that stress, which is considered an epidemic of the 21st century, is responsible for the development of many, if not all, chronic diseases.

Programme "Migraine"

Migraine usually occurs sporadically with varying intensity. However, in a certain percentage of patients, pain and frequency increase and chronic migraine develops.

Programme "Strengthening of the immune system"

At first glance, the immune system and the endocannabinoid system (ECS) have a lot in common. Both are complex systems and have the task of protecting the human body.

Specialist doctors

A team of leading renowned experts from different areas of medicine undergo constant training and develop new treatment programmes.

doc. Tanja Bagar, MD

doc. Tanja Bagar, MD

Microbiologist | Doctor of Biomedical Sciences

Željko Perdija, M.D., Assistant,

Željko Perdija, M.D., Assistant,

gastroenterologist | hepatologist


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