Urology clinic
Specialist urological examinations, diagnosis of urological problems and preventive prostate examinations.
Schedule appointmentSpecialist urological examinations, diagnosis of urological problems and preventive prostate examinations.
Schedule appointmentThe urology outpatient clinic deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male and female urinary tract (urinary problems, diseases of the ureters, urethra, bladder and kidneys), the male reproductive organs – prostate and testicles – and the male genitals.
Great emphasis is placed on the preventisfunction, which is a common problem faced by an increasing number of men, especiallyon and early detection of urogenital problems, which very often affect both sexes, with the aim of their timely treatment. Prostate cancer is particularly dangerous and can be detected by preventive examination.
We also treat erectile dy in the over-40 age group.