Magnetic resonance

Medical Center Rogaška and its specialist radiologists offer a wide range of MRI examinations. We are also the only one in Slovenia to perform full-body MRI.

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Comprehensive range of MRI tests

Magnetic resonance is a method used in targeted detection of diagnostic problems, i.e. as an additional examination in defining changes not reliably identified by other examinations. 

We at Medical Center Rogaška perform MRI examinations of: head with brain and spinal cord, spine, chest with lungs, musculoskeletal system (including MR-arthrography), abdomen, liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, prostate, biliary system (MRCP), enterography, preventive and diagnostic examinations of the breasts and prostate gland, vascular system, heart and the whole body. 

We also perform MRI test for athletes. 


MRI of head with brain and spinal cord

A comprehensive examination of the brain and spinal cord for an accurate diagnosis.

MRI of musculoskeletal system

Examination of muscles, bones and joints to check for injuries or inflammation.

Breast and prostate MRI

For early detection of breast and prostate diseases.

MRI of abdomen

Examination of abdominal organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

MRI of vascular system

Imaging of blood vessels to assess the condition of arteries and veins.

MRI of heart

A detailed overview of the structure and function of the heart.

Whole-body MRI

Whole-body screening for early detection of diseases such as renal cell carcinomas, liver tumours, lymphomas, bone and muscle tumours.

About outpatient clinic activities

We at Medical Center Rogaška offer comprehensive magnetic-resonance diagnostics with top-quality specialist radiologists. Besides the examinations of individual parts of the body, we are the only provider in Slovenia to perform whole-body MRI examinations. 

Magnetic resonance imaging of the whole body, from the head to the toes, is a modern, fast and non-invasive diagnostic procedure for the preventive detection of pathological changes in generally healthy people, including tracking the progression of carcinoma. Increase in malignant tumours and taking care of our health are two of the main reasons to use this examination to ensure early detection of possible diseases, such as: renal carcinoma, liver carcinoma, lymphomas, bone tumours, muscle tumours, etc. 

A team of top specialists from different areas of medicine takes care of the assessment and best treatment of disease using a team-based and multidisciplinary approach. 

The activity holder is a radiology specialist Petra Mrkša, MD, who specialises in MRI examinations in the field of musculoskeletal pathology. She has been performing various diagnostic tests of the muscular-skeletal system for years, especially in case of sports injuries.  

Specialist doctors

Meet our team of specialists
Petra Mrkša, MD

Petra Mrkša, MD

Specialist in radiology

Ivan Brzović, MD

Ivan Brzović, MD

Specialist in radiology



Storitev Price
MR glave
310,00 €
310,00 €
MR glave + TOF
540,00 €
MR obraza in ostalega
310,00 €
MR vratu
310,00 €
MR protokol epilepsija
310,00 €
MR multipla skleroza
310,00 €
MR temporomandibularnih sklepov
310, 00€
MR po protokolu za hipofizo
310,00 €
MR po protokolu za nevrovaskularni konflikt + TOF
475,00 €
MR glave s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR obraza in ostalega s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR vratu s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR protokol epilepsija s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR multipla skleroza s kontrastom
475,00 €
MR temporomandibularnih sklepov s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR po protokolu za hipofizo s kontrastom
385,00 €
Storitev Price
MR sklepa (rama/komolec/zapestje/roka/kolk/koleno/gleženj/stopalo/SIS ...)
310,00 €
MR medenice s kolki
310,00 €
MR artrografija (kolk/rama/zapestje)
475,00 €
MR mišic, tumorjev v mehkotkivnih strukturah
310,00 €
MR hrbtenice (vratna/prsna/ledvena)
310,00 €
MR celotne hrbtenice
725,00 €
MR po protokolu za AS: CH, TH, LSH + SIS (aksialni spondiloartriris)
725,00 €
MR sklepa s kontrastom (rama/komolec/zapestje/roka/kolk/koleno/gleženj/stopalo/SIS ...)
385,00 €
MR medenice s kolki s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR mišic, tumorjev v mehkotkivnih strukturah s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR hrbtenice s kontrastom (vratna/prsna/ledvena)
385,00 €
Storitev Price
MR prsnega koša in pljuč
310,00 €
MR trebušnih organov (ledvice, nadledvičnice, pankreas, vranica, mehur)
310,00 €
MR jeter
310,00 €
MR implantantov dojk
310,00 €
MRCP (pregled žolčnega sistema, žolčnih vodov)
310,00 €
MR male medenice (prostate, rektuma, cerviksa, ovarijske lezije)
310,00 €
MR enterografija s kontrastom (slikanje črevesja)
385,00 €
MR prsnega koša in pljuč s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR trebušnih organov s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR jeter s kontrastom (Primovist)
585,00 €
MR dojk s kontrastom
385,00 €
MR male medenice s kontrastom (prostate, rektuma, cerviksa, ovarijske lezije)
385,00 €
MR trebušnih organov + MRCP
540,00 €
MR trebušnih organov s kontrastom + MRCP
615,00 €
Storitev Price
MRA s kontrastom po posameznih regijah
385,00 €
MRA pelvičnih arterij in arterij spodnjih udov s kontrastom
475,00 €
Storitev Price
MR srca
585,00 €
MR srca s kontrastom
725,00 €
Storitev Price
MR celega telesa
1.190,00 €
MRA (slikanje žilja) celega telesa s kontrastom
1.190,00 €
Izdaja drugega mnenja
110,00 €
Storitev Price
160,00 €
Anestezija - ena preiskava
300,00 €
Anestezija - dve preiskav
420,00 €
Anestezija - tri preiskave
540,00 €
Anestezija - štiri preiskave
600,00 €

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