
A massage will positively influence your health and therefore represents a natural method of improving and maintaining health. Relaxation of the body and calming the soul can promote well-being and open up a pathway to health.



Classical manual massage includes a variety of massage techniques to help release muscle tension, improve blood circulation, activate lymphatic circulation and have a beneficial effect on the skin and nervous system. We use selected massage oils, tailored to each individual, to further enhance the results of the massage.


Our special massages are individually tailored, combining various massage techniques: functional massage, trigger points, muscle-energy techniques, passive joint movement, muscle stretching, etc. Unlike the classical massage, techniques are used, which influence the deeper structures of muscles and their fascia.

The masseur with special knowledge determines the massage procedure based on the introductory conversation, tests and palpation and selects techniques, which treat the causes of the problems in the muscular and skeletal system, while taking into account the health condition, well-being and wishes of the individual.


Maderotherapy is a special massage technique that uses anatomically shaped wooden tools such as rollers, spatulas and cups to eliminate cellulite, reshape the body and rejuvenate the skin. The intense movements stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which helps to break down toxins bound to fat cells. The intensity of the therapy is adapted to the client's sensitivity. Bruising may occur after the massage, but usually disappears within a few days. The skin becomes smoother and firmer.

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