Targeted examinations
Comprehensive check-ups focusing on a specific specialist area provide a thorough insight into your condition and enable accurate diagnosis.
Naročite seComprehensive check-ups focusing on a specific specialist area provide a thorough insight into your condition and enable accurate diagnosis.
Naročite seSpecialists in gastroenterology will help solve your stomach and digestive/metabolic problems.
With the help of our specialist heart examinations, we timely diagnose medical conditions and suggest appropriate treatment.
Specialist examination with a gynaecologist and comprehensive tests are the only way to eliminate gynaecological problems.
Prostate cancer represents a serious danger for men after the age of 50. With a comprehensive examination it can be timely detected and cured.
Easy scheduling of appointments at Medical Center Rogaška. Please fill in the form below or contact us for assistance with your reservation.
By email:
moj-termin@rogaska-medical.comBy telephone:
+386 (0)3 811 7015In person or by post:
Zdraviliški trg 9, 3250 Rogaška Slatina