Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is a physiotherapy method consisting of various manual (hand) techniques to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal structures and fascia.
Schedule appointmentManual therapy is a physiotherapy method consisting of various manual (hand) techniques to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal structures and fascia.
Schedule appointmentManual therapy is often used in physiotherapy treatment. It deals with the structural changes of the locomotor system, which cause pain and functional disorders.
Manual therapy is a holistic therapeutic approach that searches for the causes and relieves the consequences of abnormalities, reducing function and pain.
In addition to manual therapy, therapeutic exercise is recommended for better results.
Cyriax orthopaedic medicine
Fascia and joint,
Mobilisation of the nerves and joints
Myofascial trigger points
Visceral mobilisation
Transverse friction
EMMETT therapy,
Bowen therapy,
Dr. Vodder lymphatic drainage