Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy is a gentle and painless manual (hand) technique that uses specific sequential movements on the muscles and muscle sheaths (fascia) to encourage the body to self-heal and balance.

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More about Bowen therapy

The Bowen therapy is a manual technique which stimulates the body with mild, gentle movements which intervene through the muscle tissue and the membrane, cause responses and re-establish the balance of the entire body. 

The therapy is based on the theory that the body is a somatic, emotional and energy unit, which is under normal conditions able to balance itself. The human is considered as a whole and the therapy works primarily through two systems (connective tissue and the nervous system), which regulate and cause physiological changes also in other body systems and help the body establish balance in the neurological, hormonal, lymphatic and energy system. 

The Bowen therapy is intended for all age groups – from newborns to the elderly. 

When is Bowen therapy recommended?

  • In musculoskeletal problems (back, shoulder, hip, knee and other joint pain)   

  • In acute and chronic problems (e.g. ankle sprain, frozen shoulder, etc.)  

  • After surgeries  

  • In jaw joint pain and problems  

  • In headache and migraine  

  • In dizziness and vertigo  

  • In disorders of the hormonal system  

  • In painful and irregular periods  

  • In respiratory problems (e.g. asthma, bronchitis, etc.)  

  • In digestive problems (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, etc.)  

  • In babies and children (developmental disorders, sleep problems, feeding disorders, insomnia, etc.)  

  • In persons coping with stress and tension (e.g. depression, anxiety, etc.)  

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