Targeted examinations
Comprehensive check-ups focusing on a specific specialist area provide a thorough insight into your condition and enable accurate diagnosis.
Comprehensive check-ups focusing on a specific specialist area provide a thorough insight into your condition and enable accurate diagnosis.
Specialists in gastroenterology will help solve your stomach and digestive/metabolic problems.
With the help of our specialist heart examinations, we timely diagnose medical conditions and suggest appropriate treatment.
Specialist examination with a gynaecologist and comprehensive tests are the only way to eliminate gynaecological problems.
Prostate cancer represents a serious danger for men after the age of 50. With a comprehensive examination it can be timely detected and cured.
Medical Center Rogaška and its specialist radiologists offer a wide range of MRI examinations. We are also the only one in Slovenia to perform full-body MRI.
Mechanotherapy is a therapeutic method that involves the use of mechanical forces to promote healing.
Pressotherapy works on the principle of intermittent compression, where pressure is applied to the tissues to stimulate the blood and lymph circulation.
Ultrasound therapy is a treatment method that uses high-frequency sound waves to treat various musculoskeletal problems.