
Special anti-wrinkle refresh care
Special anti-wrinkle refresh care

Special anti-wrinkle treatment to refresh and smooth the skin. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and improves skin tone for a youthful and fresh complexion.

Reflex therapy
Reflex therapy

Facial reflexotherapy and reflexotherapy of the palms is deeply relaxing, pleasant and painless. It works as a natural lifting which softens up facial lines and improves the skin tone.

Ultrasound of lower limbs

Ultrasound is used to detect the occurrence of venous insufficiency and venous thrombosis (clots).

Ultrasound of arteries of lower limbs

Ultrasound is used to detect narrowing and blockages in the arteries of the lower limbs.

Ultrasound of carotid arteries

Ultrasound is used to detect atherosclerotic plaques, narrowing and blockages in the carotid arteries.

Surgical treatment of venous insufficiency
Surgical treatment of venous insufficiency

The vascular surgeon performs laser operations, phlebectomies, perforator ligatures and sclerosations.

Water drinking therapies
Water drinking therapies

Donat water drinking therapy in combination with other selected treatments is essential in eliminating constipation, obesity, excessive stomach acid and heartburn.

A medical examination with a balneologist
A medical examination with a balneologist

Balneology specialists determine the type, sequence and correct combination of procedures by considering all the indications and contraindications based on a detailed examination and eventual additional tests.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a physiotherapy method consisting of various manual (hand) techniques to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal structures and fascia.

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